Tuesday 8 November 2016

AWS Summit: New Cloud Services, Expanded EBS Choices

Amazon Web Services announced new cloud services to the Summit of AWS in Chicago this week, the options of extended storage available with Elastic Block Store (EBS) and the addition of data inspector and throttle to Amazon S3 a list of your offers.

Amazon Inspector is a service of safety assessment that can be applied in the future workload of an Amazon customer, while still in development in the customer premises. It is available in the preliminary phase of several months and became generally available on April 19.

As agile development methods and other application speed, the effort required to determine the risk of exposure and vulnerability can quickly fall behind code production output, said Stephen Schmidt, Director of Information Security AWS. When applications are designed to run on AWS, "have asked customers to the same rigorous safety assessments in their applications that make us our AWS services," he said in the announcement of Amazon.

Inspector provides APIs for clients to connect to the service of their development process and application deployment.

something that can be hard to do in the place where the inspection and tests can be few resources - therefore the service may be the program if necessary and to conduct assessments to the scale at which the application will run in the cloud invoked. By having provided the service, the code can continue to roll without having to wait for the developer or the central staff to assess the safety manually, Schmidt said.

It provides an application control when subjected to changes or increased utilization. An operator with AWS tags that identify the workload can run the service application via the AWS Management Console. The operator can order tests off the list and set a number of performance.

Inspector includes the ability to search a number of known vulnerabilities and collect information on how an application communicates with other Amazon services. He wants to know, for example, if the application uses secure channels and the amount of network traffic between EC2 instances. The inspector has a knowledge base of security operations with "packages" of related rules and regulations may apply to different situations. Amazon updates the knowledge base with the latest information of the threat.
The results of the evaluation and recommendations for what should be done to reverse the vulnerabilities found the owner of the application to be submitted. "Inspector provides the key to our security team world-class learning," Schmidt said, customers can correct problems before deployment rather than after an incident occurs.

The second service announced at the summit of 19 April AWS transfer speeds up Amazon S3. Using Amazon box system used to effectively distribute content to end users from 50 different locations. The board supports the AWS CloudFront CDN network and quick responses to queries DNS service route 53.

Now the network locations also serve as transfer stations data by using optimized protocols and advanced to move data objects part in another country's network infrastructure is acute. Improve the transfer rate is 50% to 500% for the transfer of large objects between countries, Jeff Barr, head of AWS evangelist wrote in a blog on the new service.

Barr said AWS has also increased the capacity of your device 50 TB data transfer up to 80 TB snowball. Users upload their figures snowball snowball in the device that is physically transported to an AWS data center. Data on a snowball can not be decrypted until it reaches its destination, and 10 snowballs can be downloaded simultaneously in parallel on a user account.
Besides the two new service, AWS launched two cost storage options to run EC2 instances, or for use with large data projects involving Elastic MapReduce, Amazon's version of Hadoop.
They are the two options EBS looking to combine the drive speed of solid state attributes with greater storage capacity and lower price per gigabyte hard drives. AWS uses two types of cloud storage to provide optimized performance cold HDD hard disk.

hard drive optimized performance is designed for workloads of large amounts of data, which may include, in addition Elastic MapReduce, things such as registration processing server; extract, transform and load tasks; and Kafka, high speed of the Apache Software Foundation may publish and subscribe system. It could also be used with data storage loads. a price of 4.5 cents per GB per month will have data centers in Northern Virginia AWS. This price compares with 10 cents per GB per month for the function of the storage units EBS solid utility.

HDD cool prices, even at 2.5 cents per GB per month. Optimized when using the same meeting performance hard drive, but would apply to jobs that are accessed less frequently, Barr wrote in another blog on April 19th.
Both options are defined by their flow MB per second. hard drive provides optimized 250MB of data per second performance for tuberculosis will equip up to 500 MB per second for 2TB performance. Similarly, the cold hard disk allows 80 MB per second speed for each provisioned TB of data, the construction of up to 250 MB per second for 3.1TB provisioned data.

Both offer a basic performance and the ability to summon a performance level burst for short periods. infrequent use of a construction break "cube explosion" or a credit for the time during sleep system can be relied upon, as well as the standard options ESB type, Barr said in the blog.
"We have listened to these volumes offer an excellent price / performance when used for large workloads data. To achieve that performance levels are possible with the volumes, the application must run large and sequential I / S Operations I, which is typical of big data workloads, "Barr explained in the blog.

This is due to the nature of the underlying disks, which can "transfer of contiguous data very quickly," but occur less favorably when asked to perform a large number of small volumes, random access I / S such as required for the relational database engine. If these storage options are used for this purpose, Barr admits to being "less effective and will result in a lower rate." ESB overall objective based on SSD would be a much better fit, he said.

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